Table Features
Updated over a week ago

Most Used Table Features

Column Features

Column Menu

The Column Menu drops down from the column header.

  • You can select columns to show/hide,

  • You can filter data with various filter options,

  • You can pin a column, auto-size, or group by columns.

Column Moving

Columns can be moved inline by either dragging the column with the mouse.

Column Groups

You can show/hide additional columns to find more data.

Column Resizing

Resize columns by dragging the edge of the column header.

Auto Fill to fill the grid width, or Auto Size columns to fit their content by double clicking on edge.

Row Sorting

Row Sorting will sort the data. Sort a column by clicking the header. Sort multiple columns by holding down Shift.

Row Features

Grouping Rows

Use Grouping Rows to group the data over selected dimensions. You can set the data to group by specific columns or allow the user to drag and drop columns of their choice and have them grouped on the fly.

Data Exporting

Excel Export

Export in native Excel Format which will maintain the column widths and allow exporting styles. For example, you can color cells in the grid and have the equivalent cells colored in the Excel export.

CSV Export

Use CSV Export to take data out of the grid and into another application for further processing, such as Excel.

  • Select the cells you want to export, right-click, hover the mouse over export, and select "CSV Export" or "Excel Export."

  • On the top right of the table, click the print icon, and select "CSV Export" or "Excel Export."


Use Pagination when you don't want the user to have to scroll. Pagination allows viewing rows one page at a time.

Other Features

Cell Editing

You can double-click some of the cells to edit directly. Editable cells have a "Pen" or a "Plus" sign.

Master / Detail

Use Master Detail to expand rows and have another grid with different columns inside.

Make columns out of values by Pivoting on the data, similar to Pivot Tables in Excel.
Select Column tab and then you can activate Pivot Mode

Set Filter

There are two options for the filter,

  1. You can open the Column menu and select Filter,

  2. You can open Floating Filter from the top-right of the table.

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